Dear clients,
I hope this e-mail finds you well.
According to the application of the Law Against Tax Fraud (No.9416) which is regulated in Executive Decree No. 41040-H named Registry of Transparency and Final Beneficiaries, through the circular letter DRI-008-202 issued by the National Registry, we inform you the following:
"The National Registry will not issue certificates of incumbency or register documents in favour of entities obligated to make the Registry of Transparency and Final Beneficiaries that appears on the list of non-compliers of this registry, which is established in the article 22 of thise regulation…”. This in accordance with the provisions of Article 25 of the said Decree.
Nowadays, the National Registry has a computerized tool for consulting the status of legal entities determined as obliged to file the Registry of Transparency and Final Beneficiaries. With this digital system "CES" (spanish acronym for Consultation of Corporate Statements), the registrars have access to verify whether or not the obligated entities complied with said registry.
This circular has been in force since May 01, 2020, so it is important to take into consideration the following:
If you have any questions or comments please do not hesitate to contact us.
We are at your service.