By Karolina Quirós Rojas, labor law attorney, Costa Rica.
Did you know that if you are working from home, as an employee you have the same obligations and responsibilities before your employer? The only difference is the place you are working from. Consequently, if you are at home, working, keep in mind that if you publish your status or if you upload pictures of videos in social media, or if you leave home for unnecessary and non-essential reasons during work hours, you may be incurring in job abandonment, which could lead to disciplinary action including up to termnation with cause. Also keep in mind that if you should need special licenses or permits during your shift, you must request it from your superiors, as you would normally do at your regular workplace. While working from home, employees must comply with their confidentuiality obligations and, in general terms, with any and all other obligations he or she has before his or her employer.